Thursday, July 3, 2008


Ten years later and lookin better then ever! Hot mamas!

Dinner at CPK and portraits at Walmart....

You have a secret? Do tell.... "Guess who's fat from high school"?
After all these years Cyndi is still that crazy chick that all the other girls are jealous of....Ask our waitress. Talking about high school and our kids was the highlight of our night. Hope the next date in 10 years is just as good.

Friday, April 4, 2008

First Blog Ever!!! This is a BIG deal!

Last fall, my best friend from High School, Angie Boyle, sent me her blog. The second her blog came up - I said what the hello operator is this? The deeper I went and the more blogs I clicked on, the more confused I got. "Is this strange blogging thing only reserved for mormon married moms?", I asked myself. So, over the past 7 months or so, I have been logging on here and there to enter this world that is truly bizarre to me. I grew up in perfect Orem, Ut, but after moving to New Jersey and Arizona at 20, I feel like Utah and all of it's bloggers, are like another world to me. I asked myself, "where are all the single moms like me? And where are all the single men?" And then it dawned on me - this isn't a dating web-site. But it is a place for people to express themselves. And believe me, I got a lotta expressin to do....